Cumulus maintains a daily file of the highs and lows of each day, as well as a few other nuggets of information. The data contained in the file are used to build the graphs.
The file is called dayfile.txt which can be viewed in a text editor or imported into various database systems or spreadsheets to manipulate as you wish.
Tip -- take a copy of the file to work on it elsewhere.
Important: The date format uses two digits for the year. Edit this file using an editor that treats all fields as text (a text editor or a spreadsheet program that can be instructed not to recognise special field types). - Do not edit this file using Excel or any similar tool that recognizes dates, as it is likely to change the dates to have four figure years, and then Cumulus will no longer be able to use the file. Also, make sure that editing does not create any blank lines in file, all must start with date and include some of the parameters listed in correct sequence (i.e. nulls ',,' are not allowed in the line, but since new builds add to number of fields, Cumulus can accept lines without the more recent fields at the end).
Format of the file
- 00: Date in the form dd/mm/yy (or sometimes dd-mm-yy, the separator can vary and is unimportant)
- 01: Highest wind gust
- 02: Bearing of highest wind gust
- 03: Time of highest wind gust
- 04: Minimum temperature
- 05: Time of minimum temperature
- 06: Maximum temperature
- 07: Time of maximum temperature
- 08: Minimum sea level pressure
- 09: Time of minimum pressure
- 10: Maximum sea level pressure
- 11: Time of maximum pressure
- 12: Maximum rainfall rate
- 13: Time of maximum rainfall rate
- 14: Total rainfall for the day
- 15: Average temperature for the day
- 16: Total wind run
- 17: Highest Average Wind Speed
- 18: Time of Highest Avg. Wind speed
- 19: Lowest humidity
- 20: Time of lowest humidity
- 21: Highest humidity
- 22: Time of highest humidity
- 23: Total evapotranspiration
- 24: Total hours of sunshine
- 25: High heat index
- 26: Time of high heat index
- 27: High apparent temperature
- 28: Time of high apparent temperature
- 29: Low apparent temperature
- 30: Time of low apparent temperature
- 31: High hourly rain
- 32: Time of high hourly rain
- 33: Low wind chill
- 34: Time of low wind chill
- 35: High dew point
- 36: Time of high dew point
- 37: Low dew point
- 38: Time of low dew point
- 39: Today's dominant/average wind direction
- 40: Heating degree days
- 41: Cooling degree days
The last 3 entries were added in version 1.9.2 Build 1004
>>> Beta 1.9.3 b1036 Additions <<<
- 42: High solar radiation
- 43: Time of high solar radiation
- 44: High UV Index
- 45: Time of high UV Index
Example of the file
An extract of a few lines of the dayfile.txt
01/08/11,19.3,61,10:22,12.5,06:58,23.8,14:49,1014.26,20:46,1018.83,09:28,0.0,00:00,0.0,17.8,21.6,4.6,10:44,36,14:14,86,01:56,3.56,8.9,23.8,14:49,23.1,14:50,12.3,06:59,0.0,00:00,12.5,06:58,11.3,00:16,6.9,14:34,354,2.0,1.5 02/08/11,16.1,20,16:55,14.7,06:45,24.2,13:54,1013.79,19:13,1015.65,11:14,0.0,00:00,0.0,18.9,13.7,8.0,15:55,42,20:42,85,06:50,2.79,4.9,24.2,13:54,24.3,13:55,15.1,06:40,0.0,00:00,14.7,06:45,14.8,11:59,7.0,21:09,57,1.0,1.7 03/08/11,14.5,36,17:23,14.9,05:50,24.6,14:46,1012.70,18:44,1015.99,08:34,0.0,00:00,0.0,19.4,17.2,4.8,16:04,50,14:38,79,07:04,3.05,5.8,24.6,14:46,25.4,14:47,15.0,05:50,0.0,00:00,14.9,05:50,14.2,20:01,8.9,00:16,32,0.8,1.9 04/08/11,17.7,16,15:43,14.1,06:20,25.3,15:06,1013.08,18:42,1015.31,08:28,0.0,00:00,0.0,20.2,19.4,8.1,14:12,52,18:20,92,06:55,3.30,9.1,25.3,15:06,26.8,14:55,14.9,06:20,0.0,00:00,14.1,06:20,15.8,14:55,12.5,06:25,36,1.0,2.9 05/08/11,16.1,32,12:52,14.2,06:12,22.2,14:07,1013.89,00:01,1016.36,09:43,0.0,00:00,0.0,18.6,21.6,5.2,13:00,62,15:57,87,06:11,3.30,8.4,22.2,14:07,23.5,14:10,14.8,07:19,0.0,00:00,14.2,06:12,15.4,10:33,12.0,06:03,34,0.9,1.3 06/08/11,16.1,309,11:15,14.3,05:29,22.4,17:12,1014.46,20:02,1016.97,10:38,0.0,00:00,0.0,18.4,19.2,5.5,16:21,55,13:33,92,05:20,2.79,7.9,22.4,17:12,23.3,18:17,15.1,06:09,0.0,00:00,14.3,05:29,14.2,18:12,10.9,10:38,32,1.1,1.3 07/08/11,17.7,342,13:24,12.9,05:47,24.1,14:53,1013.92,19:49,1016.43,09:36,0.0,00:00,0.0,18.4,19.1,6.3,14:06,48,12:45,89,05:36,3.30,9.0,24.1,14:53,24.6,15:48,13.3,05:47,0.0,00:00,12.9,05:47,14.6,15:52,10.7,11:33,11,1.6,1.7